What's New
We welcome Eric Luminais as the newly hired Music Director at CUMC. He joins us in worship on Sunday, January 19, in his official role.
Read on to see some of the ways you can get and stay connected! Contact the church office (319-351-2446 or office@coralvilleumc.org) if you'd like to receive the weekly ENews.
All are welcome to attend worship at Coralville UMC! Sunday morning worship service is at 9:30. To all who are joining us for the first time, welcome!
We stream our worship service live from Facebook on Sunday mornings at 9:30 as well. You can find our Facebook page by clicking the icon at the top of this website. Or, you can find it here: Facebook CoralvilleUMC
At Coralville UMC we affirm people of all ages, races, ethnicities, cultures, gender identities, sexual orientations, physical and mental abilities, and socio-economic status. We believe that prejudice, hatred, or discrimination directed toward any individual or group is contrary to the life and spirit of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we shall work to eliminate prejudice and discriminatory practices within ourselves and our community, and to show grace, in Jesus’ name.
We stand together in solidarity with the family of George Floyd and with people of color in our congregation, our communities, and around the world.
You can read the statement released by our Bishop, Laurie Haller, and the Appointive cabinet, here
We are in prayer with our community as we all are affected by the COVID-19 virus. See the church's response to COVID-19 here
The 2020 General Conference, scheduled for May 5-15 2020 in Minneapolis, has been postponed. Below is a message from Bishop Laurie, and you can read the letter from the Council of Bishops here
Bishop Laurie letter re GC postponement
The United Methodist Council of Bishops has joined other faith organizations in asking the U.S. government to end its policy of separating immigrant families. Read the statement here.
Our United Methodist immigration ministry, Justice for our Neighbors (JFON), is working to help our immigrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking neighbors obtain safety, protection, and freedom. If you would like to donate to JFON through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), please click here. 100% of your gift goes to National JFON.
On Friday the Council of Bishops recommended changes to United Methodist polity that will allow our denomination to move forward in unity.