Adult Faith Formation

Learning and growing in faith is not for children and youth only! Spiritual maturity is a lifelong endeavor. As we grow in understanding of our faith, our relationship with God deepens. We are more able to experience God’s promises of peace, hope and wholeness. We hear more clearly God’s call for our lives, and we receive God’s guidance for the journey. Scripture reveals levels of meaning, sparks new ideas, and takes on new relevance in our lives.

Adult Faith Formation study groups are offered throughout the year, meeting on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm. Topics are detailed in the CUMC ENews which is published weekly on Fridays. (For more information about the weekly ENews, contact the church office,



What's New

We  welcome Eric Luminais as the newly hired Music Director at CUMC. He joins us in worship on Sunday, January 19, in his official role.

 Read on to see some of the ways you can get and stay connected! Contact the church office (319-351-2446 or if you'd like to receive the weekly ENews.

All are welcome to attend worship at Coralville UMC! Sunday morning worship service is at 9:30.  To all who are joining us for the first time, welcome!

We stream our worship service live from Facebook on Sunday mornings at 9:30 as well.  You can find our Facebook page by clicking the icon at the top of this website. Or, you can find it here: Facebook CoralvilleUMC

Now there are three ways for you to make contributions to CUMC!