Frequently Asked Questions

We’d love to have you visit Coralville United Methodist Church and get to know our church family. Here are answers to some questions that visitors to our church frequently ask.
Q. How big is Coralville UMC?
A. We generally have 120 or so people attending our 9:30 am Sunday worship service. We're a church that's large enough to offer opportunities to grow spiritually and serve, yet small enough to get to know each other.  We are a loving, friendly and accessible church where you are known by name and supported in your spiritual journey.

Q. What time are your services?
A. Our Sunday morning worship service is at 9:30 a.m., and our African ministry's worship service (in Swahili) is at 1:00 p.m. 
Q. What type of worship service is it?
A. We call it a blended service, combining elements of both traditional and contemporary worship. Our music includes choir, organ, guitar, piano and bells, and often folks with other instruments join in as well. We use audio-visual and mixed media to add to the blended nature of our worship. Communion is generally served on the first Sunday of the month.
Q. How can I find your church?
A. We’re on the corner of 8th Street and 13th Ave, just a block east of the Coralville Recreational Center, NW Junior High School, and Kirkwood Elementary School. If you are coming from Hwy 6 (2nd Street) the easiest route is to take 12th Ave up the hill to 8th Street, and turn left (west) – the church is on the next block. Here’s a map showing our location.

Q. Is there plenty of parking space?
A. There is a parking lot adjacent to the west side of the church, and another larger lot across the street. Handicap spaces are available both in the parking lot and by the main entrance on 13th Ave. There are also plenty of places to park on the street.

Q. I’m not a Methodist – can I take part in Communion at your church?
A. In the United Methodist Church we believe that Jesus Christ invites all God’s children to his table. You need not be a member of Coralville UMC or of the United Methodist Church to receive Communion.

Q. Do I have to dress up for church?
A. No, we are a casual community. People come in jeans and a t-shirt or in dress clothes, or anywhere in between. Come in your pajamas if you like! You are welcome here.

Q. 9:30 is early! Can I bring coffee to the worship service?
A. Yes, or pick some up when you come in the door. Our Brew Crew has coffee available before worship, and coffee, lemonade and treats after worship during our fellowship time. We serve Peace Coffee, an organic free-trade coffee that supports both farmers and the environment.

Q. How will I get to meet people?
A. When you enter the church, mention to one of our greeters that you’re new to the church and would like to meet some people. The greeter will introduce you to some of the people in the church, and they can introduce you to others. If you wish, first-time visitors can fill out contact information in the attendance record, and a member will follow up with a phone call or visit. Prayer request forms and a confidential box to receive them are located just outside the sanctuary – you may leave a note for the pastor here and/or request prayers for you or a loved one.
Q. Do I have to sit up front?
A. Our ushers can always help you find a place where you are comfortable.
Q. We’ve got young children – do you have a children's program?
 A. Yes! Our children's program is called Kids.Connect. Children start out in the worship service at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. There is a Kids.Connect message early in the service, and then if they choose, children go to a Kids.Connect class for their age group. Our Kids.Connect teachers - are members who love children and are well-known, skilled, and have passed background checks. We also have a nursery space upstairs, just across from the sanctuary where it is easily accessible, and a children's room adjacent to the sanctuary. For more information contact Jennifer Filter, our director of children and family ministry at

Q. Will someone frown at me if my child goes wild?
A. Our members’ children are sometimes noisy too! We are very comfortable with and accustomed to children in worship. If you as a parent become uncomfortable, there is a sound proof room with toys and activities for children in the back of the sanctuary, from which you can still see and hear the service.
Q. I use a wheelchair – is your church accessible?
A. An elevator makes all levels of the church fully accessible. We also have several parking places close to the church entrance that are designated for handicapped parking. Restrooms on the upper and lower levels can accommodate wheelchairs.
Q. How can I meet your minister?
A. After the service, Rev. Leigh will greet members and friends as they leave the worship center. Feel free to shake her hand and tell her that you’re a visitor. You may contact the church office to request a time to meet privately with Rev. Leigh if you would like.
Q. If I start attending Coralville UMC, do I need to become a member?
A. We’d love to have you become a member, but you are always welcome whether or not you join the church.
Q. How can I get more involved?
A. Music and missions are a big part of our church, and that’s where many people find opportunities to get involved. Contact Rev. Leigh, our music leaders, or our office administrator, and they will help you get connected.
Q. Why do Methodists sing so much in worship?
A. Because we love God, and because we can! Remember, the psalm says make a joyful noise, not a beautiful one! But when we put our noises together, our music here is quite good.

Q. Do I have to accept some particular church doctrine to be part of CUMC?
A. At CUMC we truly value open hearts, open doors, and open minds - and we are open in our exploration of our faith. We believe that science and religion are not mutually exclusive. Our congregation includes teachers, doctors, custodians, scientists, homemakers, cooks – people from all walks of life. Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.

Want to know more about Coralville United Methodist Church? Check out the links below.

About our church (why CUMC?)

Our staff (staff page)

What’s happening in our community (news/calendar)

Iowa Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (IAC home page)

What's New

Sunday, September 8, is the start of a new season at Coralville United Methodist Church. Read on to see some of the ways you can get connected!

With great joy, we welcome our new pastor to CUMC!

All are welcome to attend worship at Coralville UMC! Sunday morning worship service is at 9:30.  To all who are joining us for the first time, welcome!

We stream our worship service live from Facebook on Sunday mornings at 9:30 as well.  You can find our Facebook page by clicking the icon at the top of this website. Or, you can find it here: Facebook CoralvilleUMC

Now there are three ways for you to make contributions to CUMC!